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Online First
Electrodynamic Coupling Between The E and F Regions of the Ionosphere in the Aspect of the Equatorial Spread-F Phenomena
Volume: 83
In this volume effectiveness of electrodynamic coupling caused by small scale electric fields in the presence of E0xB0 instability between the E and F ionospheric regions was analyzed.
Abstract, ...3
I. Introduction, ...4
I.1. The structure of the ionosphere, ...4
I.2. Ionospheric irregularities, their morphology and properties, ...5
I.3. Theories of spread-F irregularity formation, ...7
II. Quasi-hydrodynamic model of ionospheric plasma, ...11
II.1. Model description of plasma phenomena, ...11
II.2. Properties of ionospheric plasma, ...11
II.3. Equations describing the dynamics of weakly ionized plasma, ...13
II.4. Simplification of transport equations of weakly ionized plasma in case of small scale ionospheric irregularities, ...17
II.5. Kinetic coefficients of ionospheric plasma, ...23
III. Prior analyses of the ionospheric E and F regions electrodynamic coupling, ...30
III.1. Electrostatic coupling between the E and F regions, ...30
III.2. Characteristics of E0xB0 instability, ...32
III.3. E0xB0 instability ionospheric conditions, ...36
IV. The derivation and analysis of equations for weakly nonlinear perturbations in weakly inhomogeneous plasma, ...39
IV.1. Linear analysis of equations for perturbations in weakly inhomogeneous plasma, ...39
IV.2. Perturbation equation for weakly turbulent inhomogeneous plasma, ...49
V. Numerical analysis in ionospheric conditions, ...63
V.1. Ionospheric model, ...63
V.2. Numerical analysis of perturbation generation conditions, ...65
V.3. Numerical analysis of mode explosion conditions, ...77
VI. Conclusions and final remarks, ...80
Appendix I, ...84
Appendix II, ...86
Appendix III, ...88
References, ...89
Streszczenie, ...95
Wspomnienie o mgr Wacławie Kowalskim (St. Michnowski), ...97