- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
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- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
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Online First
Regional Conductivity Structures of the Earth´s Mantle
Volume: 302
Series: C-65
The publication describes the regional electromagnetic soundings of the Earth's mantle, mainly those performed and analyzed by the author during the last ten years. Theory as well as methodical and data processing details of the deep magnetotelluric and magnetovariation soundings have been considered for isotropic, anisotropic and nonlinearly conductive media. The response differences observed using geomagnetic observatory or satellite data for different regions are discussed in relation to surface conductance and the lithosphere plate boundaries. The results of the mantle conductivity estimations in Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia and Byelorussia are compared with those in some other regions of the Earth. The sounding results obtained in the North Pacific region, including an active subduction zone at the Sakhalin Island, are presented too. Problems of the lower mantle conductivity estimation and the existence of highly conductive layers, such as the asthenosphere and the 700-900 km zone, are discussed taking into account their possible lateral geoelectrical inhomogeneities.
Introduction, ...3
I. Modern possibilities of local deep soundings, ...5
I.1 Magnetovariation (MV) methods for deep soundings, ...5
I.2 The magnetotelluric (MT) method of soundings, ...8
I.3 Relation of impedances with resistivity tensor, ...13
I.4 MV data processing and selection of direction, ...18
I.5 MT data processing and response averaging, ...23
I.6 Possible influence of nonlinear conductivities, ...28
I.7 1-D modelling and inversions in spherical geometry, ...34
II. Observatory and satellite regional soundings, ...38
II.1 Verification of the Dst source model, ...38
II.2 Observatory soundings and their accuracy, ...42
II.3 Results of soundings and the lithospheric plates, ...45
II.4 Satellite (MAGSAT) regional soundings, ...49
II.5 On the lower mantle sounding, ...56
III. Soundings in Central Europe, ...60
III.1 The North Central European region, ...60
III.2 The Pannonian Basin, ...68
III.3 The East Central European region, ...77
III.4 The Byelorussian region, ...79
IV. Soundings in the Pacific Ocean region, ...83
IV.1 The New Zealand region, ...83
IV.2 The North Pacific region, ...87
IV.3 An active subduction zone, ...91
IV.4 The Antarctic peninsula, ...95
V. Discussion and conclusions, ...98
V.1 Asthenosphere conductive zone, ...98
V.2 Conductive and other structures of the mid-mantle, ...100
V.3 Conclusions, ..101
References, ...103
Appendix. Local sounding responses, ...113