- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
C-118, C-117, C-116, C-115, C-114, C-113, C-112, C-111, C-110, C-109, C-108, C-107, C-106, C-105, C-104, C-103, C-102, C-101, C-100, C-99, C-98, C-97, C-96, C-95, C-94, C-93, C-92, C-91, C-90, C-89, C-88, C-87, C-86, C-85, C-84, C-83, C-82, C-81, C-80, C-79, C-78, C-77, C-76, C-75, C-74, C-73, C-72, C-71, C-70, C-69, C-68, C-67, C-66, C-65, C-64, C-63, C-62, C-61, C-60, C-59, C-58, C-57, C-56, C-55, C-54, C-53, C-52, C-51, C-50, C-49, C-48, C-47, C-46, C-45, C-44, C-43, C-42, C-41, C-40, C-39, C-38, C-37, C-36, C-35, C-33, C-32, C-31, C-30, C-29, C-28, C-27, C-26, C-25, C-24, C-23, C-22, C-21, C-20, C-19, C-18, C-17, C-16, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-12, C-11, C-10, C-9, C-8, C-7, C-6, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-2, C-1
D - Physics of the Atmosphere
D-79, D-78, D-77, D-76, D-75, D-74, D-73, D-72, D-71, D-70, D-69, D-68, D-67, D-66, D-65, D-64, D-63, D-62, D-61, D-60, D-59, D-58, D-57, D-56, D-55, D-54, D-53, D-52, D-51, D-50, D-49, D-48, D-47, D-46, D-44, D-45, D-43, D-42, D-41, D-40, D-39, D-38, D-37, D-35, D-34, D-33, D-32, D-31, D-30, D-28, D-27, D-26, D-25, D-24, D-23, D-22, D-21, D-20, D-19, D-18, D-17, D-16, D-15, D-14, D-13, D-12, D-11, D-10, D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, D-5, D-4, D-3, D-2, D-1
- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
- M - Miscellanea
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Proceedings of the International Conference "Nuclear Geophysics ´97", Kraków, 20-23 October 1997
Editor(s): Woźnicka U.
Volume: 309
Series: M-21
Volume: 309
Series: M-21
The aim of the conference was to present the actual status of the research in nuclear geophysics both in theoretical and applied fields, as well as a possibility of development of that scientific branch. Representatives of reaserchers from Great Britain, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, United States, and from Poland, took part in the Conference.More than 20 papers presented on the Conference gave a review of the present status of nuclear geophysics research.
Seismicity of the Hornsund Region, Spitsbergen: Icequakes and Earthquakes
Author(s): Górski M.
Volume: 308
Series: B-20
Volume: 308
Series: B-20
The paper describes the study of seismic events associated with dynamics of the Hans glacier in South Spitsbergen and an analysis of a series of tectonic earthquakes recorded in the South Spitsbergen region. The study is based on the recordings from the Hornsund seismological station and several measurements made by the author directly on the glacier. Two categories of seismic events were distinguished and related to dynamic processes within the glacier. The location of foci of icequakes and tectonic earthquakes was made. Physical parameters of foci were determined on the basis of spectral analysis; the shear-band model of seismic source was applied. The seismicity of the Hornsund region was related to the tectonics of the South Spitsbergen region.
Results of Atmospheric Electricity and Meteorological Observations, S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory at Świder - 1997
Author(s): Kubicki M.
Volume: 307
Series: D-51
Volume: 307
Series: D-51
The present issue contains the results of recordings of some elements of atmospheric electricity and daily observations of major meteorological factors noted at the S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Świder in 1997. Data for the years 1957-1965 have been published in "Prace Obserwatorium Geofizycznego im. S. Kalinowskiego w Świdrze" and for 1966-1997 in "Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences".
Atmospheric Ozone, Solar Radiation, 1997-1998
Volume: 306
Series: D-50
Volume: 306
Series: D-50
Ozone observations have been made by means of Dobson spectrophotometer No. 84 in the Geophysical Observatory at Belsk since March 1963. This publication presents all total ozone values and vertical distribution of ozone over Belsk in 1997 and 1998 obtained from the conventional Umkehr observations.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Belsk 1997
Author(s): Reda J.
Volume: 305
Series: C-68
Volume: 305
Series: C-68
This publication contains results of geomagnetic observations performed in 1997; it is a consecutive, 32-nd issue in the series of yearbooks listing observations of the natural magnetic field of the Earth at the Central Geophysical Observatory at Belsk.