- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
C-118, C-117, C-116, C-115, C-114, C-113, C-112, C-111, C-110, C-109, C-108, C-107, C-106, C-105, C-104, C-103, C-102, C-101, C-100, C-99, C-98, C-97, C-96, C-95, C-94, C-93, C-92, C-91, C-90, C-89, C-88, C-87, C-86, C-85, C-84, C-83, C-82, C-81, C-80, C-79, C-78, C-77, C-76, C-75, C-74, C-73, C-72, C-71, C-70, C-69, C-68, C-67, C-66, C-65, C-64, C-63, C-62, C-61, C-60, C-59, C-58, C-57, C-56, C-55, C-54, C-53, C-52, C-51, C-50, C-49, C-48, C-47, C-46, C-45, C-44, C-43, C-42, C-41, C-40, C-39, C-38, C-37, C-36, C-35, C-33, C-32, C-31, C-30, C-29, C-28, C-27, C-26, C-25, C-24, C-23, C-22, C-21, C-20, C-19, C-18, C-17, C-16, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-12, C-11, C-10, C-9, C-8, C-7, C-6, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-2, C-1
D - Physics of the Atmosphere
D-79, D-78, D-77, D-76, D-75, D-74, D-73, D-72, D-71, D-70, D-69, D-68, D-67, D-66, D-65, D-64, D-63, D-62, D-61, D-60, D-59, D-58, D-57, D-56, D-55, D-54, D-53, D-52, D-51, D-50, D-49, D-48, D-47, D-46, D-44, D-45, D-43, D-42, D-41, D-40, D-39, D-38, D-37, D-35, D-34, D-33, D-32, D-31, D-30, D-28, D-27, D-26, D-25, D-24, D-23, D-22, D-21, D-20, D-19, D-18, D-17, D-16, D-15, D-14, D-13, D-12, D-11, D-10, D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, D-5, D-4, D-3, D-2, D-1
- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
- M - Miscellanea
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Browse - Volume list
Bibliography of Polish Research in Spitsbergen Archipelago. Part I: 1930-1996
Editor(s): Zalewski M.
Volume: 314
Series: M-23
Volume: 314
Series: M-23
This bibliography includes works written by Polish authors relating to research carried out on the Spitsbergen Archipelago. The first Polish publications date back to the 1930s. The very first publication were the memoirs of the leader of the first Polish polar expedition which in 1932 and 1933 worked on the Bear Island as part of the programme of the Second International Polar Year. The memoirs published in a book entitled "Wyspa mgieł i wichrów (The Island of Fog and Blizzard)" were written by Czesław Centkiewicz. Later Centkiewicz became the best expert in the history of Polish and international polar research.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Hel Geophysical Observatory, 1998
Author(s): Czyszek A., Czyszek J.
Volume: 313
Series: C-71
Volume: 313
Series: C-71
This volume contains the results of observations of the Earth magnetic field for the year 1998, carried out at the Geophysical Observatory at Hel near Gdańsk. It is a consecutive twenty-first report of similar results published since 1966.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Belsk 1998
Author(s): Reda J.
Volume: 312
Series: C-70
Volume: 312
Series: C-70
This publication contains results of geomagnetic observations performed in 1998; it is a consecutive, thirty-third issue in the series of yearbooks listing observations of the natural magnetic field of the Earth at the Central Geophysical Observatory at Belsk.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Polish Polar Station, Hornsund, Spitsbergen, 1997
Author(s): Glegolski W., Gnoiński A.
Volume: 311
Series: C-69
Volume: 311
Series: C-69
This volume contains the results of observations of the Earth's magnetic field carried out at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund in Spitsbergen in the year 1997.
Mining Geophysics. Proceedings of the XXVI Polish-Czech-Slovakian Symposium, Wisła, Poland, September 23-25, 1998 *** Geofizyka Górnicza. Referaty Przedstawione na XXVI Polsko-Czesko-Słowackim Sympozjum w Wiśle (23-25 września 1998)
Editor(s): Zuberek W.
Volume: 310
Series: M-22
Volume: 310
Series: M-22
The volume contains the majority of papers presented at the XXVI Polish-Czech-Slovakian Symposium on Mining Geophysics held in Wisła, Poland, from 23rd to 25th September 1998.