- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
C-118, C-117, C-116, C-115, C-114, C-113, C-112, C-111, C-110, C-109, C-108, C-107, C-106, C-105, C-104, C-103, C-102, C-101, C-100, C-99, C-98, C-97, C-96, C-95, C-94, C-93, C-92, C-91, C-90, C-89, C-88, C-87, C-86, C-85, C-84, C-83, C-82, C-81, C-80, C-79, C-78, C-77, C-76, C-75, C-74, C-73, C-72, C-71, C-70, C-69, C-68, C-67, C-66, C-65, C-64, C-63, C-62, C-61, C-60, C-59, C-58, C-57, C-56, C-55, C-54, C-53, C-52, C-51, C-50, C-49, C-48, C-47, C-46, C-45, C-44, C-43, C-42, C-41, C-40, C-39, C-38, C-37, C-36, C-35, C-33, C-32, C-31, C-30, C-29, C-28, C-27, C-26, C-25, C-24, C-23, C-22, C-21, C-20, C-19, C-18, C-17, C-16, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-12, C-11, C-10, C-9, C-8, C-7, C-6, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-2, C-1
D - Physics of the Atmosphere
D-79, D-78, D-77, D-76, D-75, D-74, D-73, D-72, D-71, D-70, D-69, D-68, D-67, D-66, D-65, D-64, D-63, D-62, D-61, D-60, D-59, D-58, D-57, D-56, D-55, D-54, D-53, D-52, D-51, D-50, D-49, D-48, D-47, D-46, D-44, D-45, D-43, D-42, D-41, D-40, D-39, D-38, D-37, D-35, D-34, D-33, D-32, D-31, D-30, D-28, D-27, D-26, D-25, D-24, D-23, D-22, D-21, D-20, D-19, D-18, D-17, D-16, D-15, D-14, D-13, D-12, D-11, D-10, D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, D-5, D-4, D-3, D-2, D-1
- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
- M - Miscellanea
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Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Polish Polar Station, Hornsund, Spitsbergen 1999
Author(s): Glegolski W., Gnoiński A.
Volume: 319
Series: C-75
Volume: 319
Series: C-75
This volume contains the results of observations of the Earth's magnetic field carried out at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund in Spitsbergen in the year 1999.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Belsk 1999
Author(s): Reda J.
Volume: 318
Series: C-74
Volume: 318
Series: C-74
This publication contains results of geomagnetic observations performed in 1999; it is a consecutive, thirty-fourth issue in the series of yearbooks listing observations of the natural magnetic field of the Earth at the Central Geophysical Observatory at Belsk.
Signatures of Dual Mechanism of Plasma Sheet Formation and Structuring: A Study Based on Prognoz-8 Plasma Data
Author(s): Popielawska B.
Volume: 317
Series: C-73
Volume: 317
Series: C-73
A unique orbit of Prognoz-8 satellite allowed for the near Earth (X > -20 RE) tail crossings below the lowest latitudes accessible for polar orbiting satellites like Heos, Hawkeye, or Prognoz-7 and above those accessible for satellites with an ecliptic orbit like ISEE-1, 2 or AMPTE satellites. By the same, Prognoz-8 provided plasma merasurements in the magnetotail region that has not been well investigated yet. Previous survey of Prognoz-8 plasma measurements in the tail by Jimenez et al. (1984) used the SKS instrument data. Another plasma instrument aboard was PROMICS-2 with wider angular and energy range coverage and a supplementary ion mass composition diagnosis (oxygen ions).
Seismological Bulletin 1991-1992. Local Earthquakes Recorded by the Polish Seismological Stations
Author(s): Draber D., Guterch A., Lewandowska-Marciniak H.
Volume: 316
Series: B-21
Volume: 316
Series: B-21
The bulletin contains a list of local seismic events recorded in 1991-1992 in Poland. Most of these events were induced by mining in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Rybnik Coal District, and Lubin Copper Basin. A few local tectonic earthquakes occurred only in 1992 in the Western Carpathians in the border area between Poland and Slovakia, and in the Sudetes in the border area between Poland and the Czech Republic.
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Polish Polar Station, Hornsund, Spitsbergen, 1998
Author(s): Glegolski W., Gnoiński A.
Volume: 315
Series: C-72
Volume: 315
Series: C-72
This volume contains the results of observations of the Earth's magnetic field carried out at the Polish Polar Station Hornsund in Spitsbergen in the year 1998.