- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
C-118, C-117, C-116, C-115, C-114, C-113, C-112, C-111, C-110, C-109, C-108, C-107, C-106, C-105, C-104, C-103, C-102, C-101, C-100, C-99, C-98, C-97, C-96, C-95, C-94, C-93, C-92, C-91, C-90, C-89, C-88, C-87, C-86, C-85, C-84, C-83, C-82, C-81, C-80, C-79, C-78, C-77, C-76, C-75, C-74, C-73, C-72, C-71, C-70, C-69, C-68, C-67, C-66, C-65, C-64, C-63, C-62, C-61, C-60, C-59, C-58, C-57, C-56, C-55, C-54, C-53, C-52, C-51, C-50, C-49, C-48, C-47, C-46, C-45, C-44, C-43, C-42, C-41, C-40, C-39, C-38, C-37, C-36, C-35, C-33, C-32, C-31, C-30, C-29, C-28, C-27, C-26, C-25, C-24, C-23, C-22, C-21, C-20, C-19, C-18, C-17, C-16, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-12, C-11, C-10, C-9, C-8, C-7, C-6, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-2, C-1
D - Physics of the Atmosphere
D-79, D-78, D-77, D-76, D-75, D-74, D-73, D-72, D-71, D-70, D-69, D-68, D-67, D-66, D-65, D-64, D-63, D-62, D-61, D-60, D-59, D-58, D-57, D-56, D-55, D-54, D-53, D-52, D-51, D-50, D-49, D-48, D-47, D-46, D-44, D-45, D-43, D-42, D-41, D-40, D-39, D-38, D-37, D-35, D-34, D-33, D-32, D-31, D-30, D-28, D-27, D-26, D-25, D-24, D-23, D-22, D-21, D-20, D-19, D-18, D-17, D-16, D-15, D-14, D-13, D-12, D-11, D-10, D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, D-5, D-4, D-3, D-2, D-1
- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
- M - Miscellanea
Online First
Browse - Volume list
Volume: 85
Volume: 84
Volume: 83
Volume: 82
W. Pożaryski - Vertical movements along polish margin of the East-European subcontinent, ...3
J. Sokołowski - Role of Permo-Mesozoic and Cainozoic vertical movements in the development of the present-day geological structure of Poland, ...15
J. Skorupa - Regional refraction investigations of deep basement in Poland, ...39
J. Sokołowski, M. Czarnecki - Possibilities in utilizing available geophysical and geological data for reconstruction of geodynamics in the development of the fore-Sudetic area, ...51
A. Guterch, R. Materzok, J. Pajchel, E. Perchuć - Seismic study refractions of the earths's crust reflected waves along refraction profiles in the fore-Sudetic monocline region, ...79
R. Ney - Tectogenesis of the Carpathians in the light of new tectonics of the Earth's globe, ...95
J. Uchman - Tectonic characteristics of the region of international profile V of deep seismic sounding in the outer Carpathians and foreland, ...111
T. Pelc, J. Sokołowski - Geodynamics in the development of palaeozoic structures in the region of Opole Lubelskie, ...119
J. Burchart - Application of geochronological data to geodynamic studies, ...125
N. Bakun-Czubarow - Geochemistry of ultramafic rocks applied to geothermometry, ...127
Z. Małkowski - Palaeomagnetic directions in the ordovician of the Holy Cross mountains against the background of regional data, ...141
M. Jeleńska, J. Kruczyk, M. Kądziałko-Hofmokl - Occurence of hemoilmenites in magnetic rocks, ...151
K. Mizeracka, H. Kurbiel - Relation between magnetic properties and mineral composition of rocks from the Suwałki anorthosite massif, ...157
R. Teisseyre, B. Wojtczak-Gadomska - Relation between the earthquake mechanism and tectonic characteristic of a seismic region, ...171
J. Pajchel, K. Rybicki - Analysis of the mechanism of Silesian shocks, ...187
S. Maj - Phonon conductivity in the crust and upper mantle of the Earth, ...199
J.A. Majorowicz - Heat field on the Polish territory in the light of world's data statistical analysis, ...207
Volume: 81
In this volume paper an attempt was made to examine whether and to what degree these effects can modify the observed field variations. Special attention was paid to the influence of unhomogeneuity of the atmospheric medium upon the field variation after lightning.