- A - Physics of the Earth's Interior
- B - Seismology
C - Geomagnetism
C-118, C-117, C-116, C-115, C-114, C-113, C-112, C-111, C-110, C-109, C-108, C-107, C-106, C-105, C-104, C-103, C-102, C-101, C-100, C-99, C-98, C-97, C-96, C-95, C-94, C-93, C-92, C-91, C-90, C-89, C-88, C-87, C-86, C-85, C-84, C-83, C-82, C-81, C-80, C-79, C-78, C-77, C-76, C-75, C-74, C-73, C-72, C-71, C-70, C-69, C-68, C-67, C-66, C-65, C-64, C-63, C-62, C-61, C-60, C-59, C-58, C-57, C-56, C-55, C-54, C-53, C-52, C-51, C-50, C-49, C-48, C-47, C-46, C-45, C-44, C-43, C-42, C-41, C-40, C-39, C-38, C-37, C-36, C-35, C-33, C-32, C-31, C-30, C-29, C-28, C-27, C-26, C-25, C-24, C-23, C-22, C-21, C-20, C-19, C-18, C-17, C-16, C-15, C-14, C-13, C-12, C-11, C-10, C-9, C-8, C-7, C-6, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-2, C-1
D - Physics of the Atmosphere
D-79, D-78, D-77, D-76, D-75, D-74, D-73, D-72, D-71, D-70, D-69, D-68, D-67, D-66, D-65, D-64, D-63, D-62, D-61, D-60, D-59, D-58, D-57, D-56, D-55, D-54, D-53, D-52, D-51, D-50, D-49, D-48, D-47, D-46, D-44, D-45, D-43, D-42, D-41, D-40, D-39, D-38, D-37, D-35, D-34, D-33, D-32, D-31, D-30, D-28, D-27, D-26, D-25, D-24, D-23, D-22, D-21, D-20, D-19, D-18, D-17, D-16, D-15, D-14, D-13, D-12, D-11, D-10, D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, D-5, D-4, D-3, D-2, D-1
- E - Hydrology
- P - Polar Research
- M - Miscellanea
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Water Quality Issues in the Upper Narew Valley
Editor(s): Rowiński P., Napiórkowski J.
Volume: 325
Series: E-2
Volume: 325
Series: E-2
This book contains contributions by the leading experts dealing with general aspects of water quality in rivers and also specialists focusing their efforts in the Upper Narew Valley. A variety of scientifically based - experimental, computational and theoretical, and also policy-oriented topics are contained herein. A large number of the contributions have been presented during the meeting held in Hotel Leśny in Białystok on July 11, 2000. The main topic embraced sources of pollution and transport processes influencing water quality in the Upper Narew Valley. The Conference was organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Narew National Park and North Podlasie Society of Bird Protection. It was sponsored by the Sendzimir Foundation and the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Results of Atmospheric Electricity and Meteorological Observations, S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory at Świder - 1999
Author(s): Kubicki M.
Volume: 324
Series: D-54
Volume: 324
Series: D-54
The present issue contains the results of recordings of some elements of atmospheric electricity and daily observations of major meteorological factors noted at the S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Świder in 1999. Data for the years 1957-1965 have been published in "Prace Obserwatorium Geofizycznego im. S. Kalinowskiego w Świdrze" and for 1966-1999 in "Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences".
Atmospheric Ozone, Solar Radiation, 1999
Volume: 322
Series: D-53
Volume: 322
Series: D-53
Ozone observations have been made by means of Dobson spectrophotometer No. 84 in the Geophysical Observatory at Belsk since March 1963. This publication presents all total ozone values and vertical distribution of ozone over Belsk in 1999 obtained from the conventional Umkehr observations.
Results of Atmospheric Electricity and Meteorological Observations, S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory at Świder - 1998
Author(s): Kubicki M.
Volume: 321
Series: D-52
Volume: 321
Series: D-52
The present issue contains the results of recordings of some elements of atmospheric electricity and daily observations of major meteorological factors noted at the S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Świder in 1998. Data for the years 1957-1965 have been published in "Prace Obserwatorium Geofizycznego im. S. Kalinowskiego w Świdrze" and for 1966-1998 in "Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences".
Results of Geomagnetic Observations, Hel Geophysical Observatory 1999
Author(s): Czyszek A., Czyszek J.
Volume: 320
Series: C-76
Volume: 320
Series: C-76
This volume contains the results of observations of the Earth magnetic field for the year 1999, carried out at the Geophysical Observatory at Hel near Gdańsk. It is a consecutive twenty-second report of similar results published since 1966.